Saturday, 19 September 2009

Holy Cow

Hello. Victoria speaking.

I am from this weird place called Stroud. It is odd but lovely. There is an area of common land covered in golf courses, ruins of an old fort, and cow shit. Cow shit because the cows run (they actually just plod) free. Its like a bizarre version of that film about the people who have a lion/tiger/liger cub and set it free. 'Born Free'? But these cows are a fucking pain. Several times i have been driving in this cow pedestrian zone and almost hit a few because they swing their massive heads out into the thin roads, they tend to do this at rush hour. And yes, sleepy Stroud sometimes even has a rush hour.

My darling sister Imogen unfortunately was involved in a car accident this week. She wasn't speeding or under the influence. She was simply driving, pedal to the metal, when a giant rump decided to stroll/plod or maybe even skip into the 40 mph road. She hit it.

She is fine.

The car is scrap.

The cow is steak.

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